King Leir: Production Credits

Theaters University College Hall, University of Toronto (Canada)
Release Locations Canada
Start Date 2006-10-22
End Date 2006-10-22
Setting The Court Setting
Theaters Luella Massey Studio Theatre (Canada)
Release Locations Canada
Start Date 2006-10-06
End Date 2006-10-06
Setting University Setting (no audience)
Producer Shakespeare and the Queenʼs Men Project
Name Role
Dr. Peter Cockett Director
Linda Griffiths Costume Design
Daniel Levinson Fight Direction
Scott Maynard Musical Director
Julia Rannala Stage Manager
Dr. Jennifer Roberts-Smith Producer
Paul Stoesser Set and Props Design
Emily Winerock Choreography
Name Role(s)
Don Allison King Leir
Phillip Borg English Noble, Cornwallʼs Servant, Ambassador, Gallian Soldier
Scott Clarkson Cambria, Watchman 1
Julian DeZotti Cordella
Derek Genova Ragan, Half Naked Woman 2
Jason Gray Cornwall, Mariner 2
Peter Higginson Perillus, English Captain 2
Paul Hopkins Gallian King
Matthew Krist Gonorill, Country Woman, Half Naked Woman 1
David Kynaston Skalliger, Gallian Noble 3, English Captain 1, Chief of Town
Scott Maynard Gallian Noble, Country Man
Alon Nashman Mumford, Messenger/Murderer


Alon Nashman

Alon Nashman was an actor and musical director with Shakespeare and the Queenʼs Men Project. He played Keeper and Miles in Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (2006) and Derrick in Famous Victories (2006).

Andrew Griffin

Andrew Griffin is an associate professor in the department of English and an affiliate professor in the department of Theater and Dance at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is general editor (text) of Queen’s Men Editions. He studies early modern drama and early modern historiography while serving as the lead editor at the EMC Imprint. He has co-edited with Helen Ostovich and Holger Schott Syme Locating the Queen’s Men (2009) and has co-edited The Making of a Broadside Ballad (2016) with Patricia Fumerton and Carl Stahmer. His monograph, Untimely Deaths in Renaissance Drama: Biography, History, Catastrophe, was published with the University of Toronto Press in 2019. He is editor of the anonymous The Chronicle History of King Leir (Queen’s Men Editions, 2011). He can be contacted at


Daniel Levinson

Daniel Levinson was a fight director with Shakespeare and the Queenʼs Men Project. He worked on Famous Victories (2006).

David Kynaston

David Kynaston was an actor with Shakespeare and the Queenʼs Men Project. He played Jaques Vandermast, Burden, and Serlsby in Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (2006) and Jockey, Lord Chief Justice, Constable, Burgundy in Famous Victories (2006).

Derek Genova

Derek Genova was an actor with Shakespeare and the Queenʼs Men Project. He played Eleanor, 1 Scholar, Hostess, and Post in Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (2006) and Tom, Boy, Dauphin, Second French Soldier in Famous Victories (2006).

Don Allison

Don Allison was an actor with Shakespeare and the Queenʼs Men Project. He played King Henry and Voice of the Brazen Head in Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (2006) and King Henry and Charles VI in Famous Victories (2006).

Emily Winerock

Emily Winerock was a choreographer with Shakespeare and the Queenʼs Men Project. She worked on Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (2006) and Famous Victories (2006).

Helen Ostovich

Helen Ostovich, professor emerita of English at McMaster University, is the founder and general editor of Queen’s Men Editions. She is a general editor of The Revels Plays (Manchester University Press); Series Editor of Studies in Performance and Early Modern Drama (Ashgate, now Routledge), and series co-editor of Late Tudor and Stuart Drama (MIP); play-editor of several works by Ben Jonson, in Four Comedies: Ben Jonson (1997); Every Man Out of his Humour (Revels 2001); and The Magnetic Lady (Cambridge 2012). She has also edited the Norton Shakespeare 3 The Merry Wives of Windsor Q1602 and F1623 (2015); The Late Lancashire Witches and A Jovial Crew for Richard Brome Online, revised for a 4-volume set from OUP 2021; The Ball, for the Oxford Complete Works of James Shirley (2021); The Merry Wives of Windsor for Internet Shakespeare Editions, and The Dutch Courtesan (with Erin Julian) for the Complete Works of John Marston, OUP 2022. She has published many articles and book chapters on Jonson, Shakespeare, and others, and several book collections, most recently Magical Transformations of the Early Modern English Stage with Lisa Hopkins (2014), and the equivalent to book website, Performance as Research in Early English Theatre Studies: The Three Ladies of London in Context containing scripts, glossary, almost fifty conference papers edited and updated to essays; video; link to Queenʼs Mens Ediitons and YouTube:, 2015. Recently, she was guest editor of Strangers and Aliens in London ca 1605, Special Issue on Marston, Early Theatre 23.1 (June 2020). She can be contacted at

Janelle Jenstad

Janelle Jenstad is a Professor of English at the University of Victoria, Director of The Map of Early Modern London, and Director of Linked Early Modern Drama Online. With Jennifer Roberts-Smith and Mark Kaethler, she co-edited Shakespeare’s Language in Digital Media: Old Words, New Tools (Routledge). She has edited John Stow’s A Survey of London (1598 text) for MoEML and is currently editing The Merchant of Venice (with Stephen Wittek) and Heywood’s 2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody for DRE. Her articles have appeared in Digital Humanities Quarterly, Elizabethan Theatre, Early Modern Literary Studies, Shakespeare Bulletin, Renaissance and Reformation, and The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. She contributed chapters to Approaches to Teaching Othello (MLA); Teaching Early Modern Literature from the Archives (MLA); Institutional Culture in Early Modern England (Brill); Shakespeare, Language, and the Stage (Arden); Performing Maternity in Early Modern England (Ashgate); New Directions in the Geohumanities (Routledge); Early Modern Studies and the Digital Turn (Iter); Placing Names: Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers (Indiana); Making Things and Drawing Boundaries (Minnesota); Rethinking Shakespeare Source Study: Audiences, Authors, and Digital Technologies (Routledge); and Civic Performance: Pageantry and Entertainments in Early Modern London (Routledge). For more details, see

Jason Gray

Jason Gray was an actor with Shakespeare and the Queenʼs Men Project. He played Friar Bacon in Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (2006) and John Cobbler, Bruges, and Captain in Famous Victories (2006).

Jennifer Roberts-Smith

Jennifer Roberts-Smith is an associate professor of theatre and performance at the University of Waterloo. Her interdisciplinary work in early modern performance editing combines textual scholarship, performance as research, archival theatre history, and design in the development of live and virtual renderings of early modern performance texts, venues, and practices. With Janelle Jenstad and Mark Kaethler, she is co-editor of Shakespeare’s Language in Digital Media: Old Words New Tools (2018). Her most recent work has focused on methods for design research that deepen interdisciplinary understanding and take a relational approach. She is currently managing director of the qCollaborative (the critical feminist design research lab housed in the University of Waterloo’s Games Institute, and leads the SSHRC-funded Theatre for Relationality and Design for Peace projects. She is also creative director and virtual reality development cluster lead for the Digital Oral Histories for Reconciliation (DOHR) project. She can be contacted at

Julia Rannala

Julia Rannala was a stage manager with Shakespeare and the Queenʼs Men Project. She worked on Famous Victories (2006).

Julian DeZotti

Julian DeZotti was an actor with Shakespeare and the Queenʼs Men Project. He played Margaret in Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (2006) and Lawrence Costermonger, Clerk, First French Soldier, and Katherine of France in Famous Victories (2006).

Kate LeBere

Project Manager, 2020–2021. Assistant Project Manager, 2019–2020. Textual Remediator and Encoder, 2019–2021. Kate LeBere completed her BA (Hons.) in History and English at the University of Victoria in 2020. During her degree she published papers in The Corvette (2018), The Albatross (2019), and PLVS VLTRA (2020) and presented at the English Undergraduate Conference (2019), Qualicum History Conference (2020), and the Digital Humanities Summer Institute’s Project Management in the Humanities Conference (2021). While her primary research focus was sixteenth and seventeenth century England, she completed her honours thesis on Soviet ballet during the Russian Cultural Revolution. She is currently a student at the University of British Columbia’s iSchool, working on her masters in library and information science.

Linda Griffiths

Linda Griffiths was a costume designer with Shakespeare and the Queenʼs Men Project. She worked on Famous Victories (2006).

Martin Holmes

Martin Holmes has worked as a developer in the UVicʼs Humanities Computing and Media Centre for over two decades, and has been involved with dozens of Digital Humanities projects. He has served on the TEI Technical Council and as Managing Editor of the Journal of the TEI. He took over from Joey Takeda as lead developer on LEMDO in 2020. He is a collaborator on the SSHRC Partnership Grant led by Janelle Jenstad.

Matthew Krist

Matthew Krist was an actor with Shakespeare and the Queenʼs Men Project. He played Rafe Simnell, Richard, Friar Bungay, and Devil in Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (2006) and Ned, Cobblerʼs Wife, and Drummer in Famous Victories (2006).

Navarra Houldin

Project manager 2022-present. Textual remediator 2021-present. Navarra Houldin (they/them) completed their BA in History and Spanish at the University of Victoria in 2022. During their degree, they worked as a teaching assistant with the University of Victoriaʼs Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies. Their primary research was on gender and sexuality in early modern Europe and Latin America.

Paul Hopkins

Paul Hopkins was an actor with Shakespeare and the Queenʼs Men Project. He played Prince Edward and Other Clowns in Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (2006) and Prince Henry in Famous Victories (2006).

Paul Stoesser

Paul Stoesser was a set and props designer with Shakespeare and the Queenʼs Men Project. He worked on Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (2006) and Famous Victories (2006).

Peter Cockett

Peter Cockett is an associate professor in the Theatre and Film Studies at McMaster University. He is the general editor (performance), and technical co-ordinating editor of Queen’s Men Editions. He was the stage director for the Shakespeare and the Queen’s Men project (SQM), directing King Leir, The Famous Victories of Henry V, and Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (2006) and he is the performance editor for our editions of those plays. The process behind those productions is documented in depth on his website Performing the Queen’s Men. Also featured on this site are his PAR productions of Clyomon and Clamydes (2009) and Three Ladies of London (2014). For the PLS, the University of Toronto’s Medieval and Renaissance Players, he has directed the Digby Mary Magdalene (2003) and the double bill of George Peele’s The Old Wives Tale and the Chester Antichrist (2004). He also directed An Experiment in Elizabethan Comedy (2005) for the SQM project and Inside Out: The Persistence of Allegory (2008) in collaboration with Alan Dessen. Peter is a professional actor and director with numerous stage and screen credits. He can be contacted at

Peter Higginson

Peter Higginson was an actor with Shakespeare and the Queenʼs Men Project. He played Mason, King of Castile, and Friend in Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (2006) and Robin Pewterer and York in Famous Victories (2006).

Phillip Borg

Phillip Borg was an actor with Shakespeare and the Queenʼs Men Project. He played Thomas, Lambert, Constable, and Spirit in Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (2006) and Lord Mayor, Porter, Captain, Third French Soldier, English Soldier, and French Secretary in Famous Victories (2006).

Scott Clarkson

Scott Clarkson was an actor with Shakespeare and the Queenʼs Men Project. He played Edward Lacy in Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (2006) and First Receiver, Cutbert Cutter, Canterbury, Herald, and Frenchman in Famous Victories (2006).

Scott Maynard

Scott Maynard was an actor and musical director with Shakespeare and the Queenʼs Men Project. He played Clement and Emperor of Germany in Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (2006) and Exeter in Famous Victories (2006).



The LEMDO Team is based at the University of Victoria and normally comprises the project director, the lead developer, project manager, junior developers(s), remediators, encoders, and remediating editors.

QME Editorial Board (QMEB1)

The QME Editorial Board consists of Helen Ostovich, General Editor; Peter Cockett, General Editor (Performance); and Andrew Griffin, General Editor (Text), with the support of an Advisory Board.

Queenʼs Men Editions (QME1)

The Queen’s Men Editions anthology is led by Helen Ostovich, General Editor; Peter Cockett, General Editor (Performance); and Andrew Griffin, General Editor (Text).

University of Victoria (UVIC1)
