
Para1Queen’s Men Editions is the result of a continuing effort by teams of scholars, programmers, administrators, and student research assistants.

Our personnel

Para2Our editorial and advisory boards are composed of distinguished scholars, theater professionals, and technical advisors, all of whom contribute their expertise as volunteers.
Para3Each play in the Queen’s Men repertory is being edited by one or more scholars, working in universities around the world.
Para4Our student programmers and assistants form a dedicated team of hard workers, bringing fresh ideas and hard work to their designated tasks.
Para5Graphic design is provided by QME consultant, Peter Sirisko.

Our supporters

Para6Chief among our supporters is the University of Victoria which supports us through several of its units:
The LEMDO Team, led by Janelle Jenstad (Department of English) and Martin Holmes (Humanities Computing and Media Centre).
Janelle Jenstad, anthology architect and supervisor of the LEMDO Team that conducted the conversions and remediations.
The Humanities Computing and Media Centre, which provides technical support and workstations.
LEMDO Project Manager Navarra Houldin, who managed the remediation and release of files for QME 2.0 and assisted with the implementation of the QME design.
LEMDO Team Members Rylyn Christensen, Tracey El Hajj, Mahayla Galliford, Navarra Houldin, Kate LeBere, Jodi Litvin, Scott Matthews, Chloe Mee, Kim Shortreed, Ada Souchu, Joey Takeda, and Nicole Vatcher, who converted, remediated, created, encoded, and proofed files for the QME 2.0 release.
The University of Victoria Libraries, which supports the LEMDO platform, advises on matters of copyright and publication, and co-manages (with the Faculty of Humanities) the assets and responsibilities gifted to the University of Victoria by the now-dissolved ISE Inc.
The Faculty of Humanities, which oversees the work of the Humanities Computing and Media Centre, oversees the governance of LEMDO, and co-manages (with the University of Victoria Libraries) the assets and responsibilities deeded to the University of Victoria by the now-dissolved ISE Inc.
UVic Office of Research Services, which supports the collaborative grant applications that fund the QME conversions, remediations, and integrations of performance material.
Computer and Systems Services for server space and the domain name.
UVic Accounting for fund management.
The UVic Department of English and the UVic Work Study program for providing research assistants at UVic who work on the QME conversions and remediations.
Professor Emeritus Michael Best (Department of English), Founding Editor of the Internet Shakespeare Editions platform on which the QME site was first published
Para7We are also supported by McMaster University where we have had support in several areas:
Department of Communications Studies and Multi-Media, and the Centre for Digital Humanities, with the help of John Bell and the late Stéfan Sinclair, where we have space to develop Performing the Queen’s Men and working space for developing Queen’s Men Editions.
McMaster’s Arts Research Board has been generous in supporting ongoing editorial work and publication, especially for Helen Ostovich, Holger Schott Syme, and Andrew Griffin (eds.), Locating the Queen’s Men, 1583–1603: Material Practices and Conditions of Playing (Ashgate 2009), but also for the filming and publishing of our video archives on DVD.
Centre for Lifelong Learning, which helped to fund the building of Performing the Queen’s Men as a pedagogical as well as an interactive research website.
Para8With the support of ACTRA union, the actors of the original SQM company generously agreed to permit us to make footage of their performances freely accessible on this website. We are deeply thankful for their generosity.
Para9We are grateful to the University of Toronto for supporting ongoing theatrical and editorial work:
Victoria University at the University of Toronto generously supported new work that developed out of our original research which allowed the Shakespeare and the Queen’s Men project to blossom and multiply into several creative and academic progeny. The results include a book, cited above, our DVD archive, and the website Performing the Queen’s Men .
For our productions, we are grateful to the Graduate Centre for Study of Drama (now merged into the Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies) and its former director Stephen Johnson (now Professor Emeritus) for contributing to the training of young actors and backstage personnel, and to the filming and rehearsal space for Queen’s Men productions; Paul Stoesser for his expertise in set and props design, and the late Luella Massey for lending us her organizational skills.
Records of Early English Drama and its founding director Alexandra Johnston, and executive director Sally-Beth MacLean.
Para10Founding donors in the community who supported our earliest efforts:
John Astington
June Bushell
W.F. Blissett
Jane Coryell
Anne Crawley
Clifford Davidson
Pat Eames
John Grant
Vera Jelinek
William Keith
Mrs. M.B. Levitt
E.M. Orsten
Cynthia Piccolo
Robert Potter
Germaine Warkentin
Janet Webber
Rosemary Wiggins
Margaret Stephenson
Para11The University of Waterloo has provided funds for travel to our sessions promoting QME at the annual meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America (2009) and the Renaissance Society of America (2010).
Para12Finally, without which we could not have begun, the Research/Creation Award from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for funding the Shakespeare and the Queen’s Men project (2005-2008).
Para13For Film, DVD, and Web collaboration, we are grateful to:
Holger Schott Syme, University of Toronto, Producer
Garrick Filewod, Ryerson University (now Toronto Metropolitan University), Technical Supervisor (Camera and Sound)
Zack Melnick, Film Editor
Ingrid Keenan, Financial Advisor
Geoffrey Rockwell, University of Alberta, Digital Humanities consultant
Stacey Wheal, Website Designer
Para14Our research team continues to grow and evolve, but we owe a debt of gratitude to:
Jill Levenson, University of Toronto
Alexandra Johnston, University of Toronto
Scott McMillin, Cornell University
Jennifer Roberts-Smith, formerly of the University of Waterloo and now at Brock University
Richard Rose, Tarragon Theatre
Para15Students who contributed to the research and production effort include:
Rob Carson (University of Toronto), Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Jessica Dell (McMaster University), Aurora College
Andrew Griffin (McMaster University), University of California, Santa Barbara
Tim Harrison (University of Toronto), University of Chicago
Christopher Hicklin (University of Toronto)
Diane Jakacki (University of Waterloo), Bucknell University
Erin Julian (McMaster University), post-doc Western University
Omar Khafagy (McMaster University)
Gillian Levene (University of Toronto), Bushnell University
Christopher Matusiak (University of Toronto), Ithaca College
Dimitry Senyshyn (University of Toronto)
Chantelle Thauvette (McMaster University), Siena College
Stacey Wheal (University of Western Ontario), Independent Web-designer
Emily Winerock (University of Toronto)
Para16Camera operators:
Danijel Margentic (Ryerson University; now Toronto Metropolitan University)
Gilberto Lontro (Ryerson University; now Toronto Metropolitan University)
Marco Di Fronzo (Ryerson University; now Toronto Metropolitan University)


Ada Souchu

Ada Souchu is an MA student at Sorbonne Université in Early Modern English literature. After a BA in Classics in 2021, they are currently doing an MA on Latin and Greek sources in Early Modern theatre. They are a junior transcriber on the Douai project.

Andrew Griffin

Andrew Griffin is an associate professor in the department of English and an affiliate professor in the department of Theater and Dance at the University of California, Santa Barbara. He is general editor (text) of Queen’s Men Editions. He studies early modern drama and early modern historiography while serving as the lead editor at the EMC Imprint. He has co-edited with Helen Ostovich and Holger Schott Syme Locating the Queen’s Men (2009) and has co-edited The Making of a Broadside Ballad (2016) with Patricia Fumerton and Carl Stahmer. His monograph, Untimely Deaths in Renaissance Drama: Biography, History, Catastrophe, was published with the University of Toronto Press in 2019. He is editor of the anonymous The Chronicle History of King Leir (Queen’s Men Editions, 2011). He can be contacted at

Chantelle Thauvette

Chantelle Thauvette (Three Ladies of London1592 Q2 text) completed her PhD in English and Cultural Studies, 2013, at McMaster, with a Doctoral Diploma in Gender Studies and Feminist Research. She has published a book chapter in Magic, Marriage, and Midwifery: Eroticism in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (Turnhout: Brepols, 2014), and articles in SEL: Studies in English Literature, The Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies, The Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies, and has presented papers at interdisciplinary early modern conferences including the Renaissance Society of America, the Canadian Society for Renaissance Studies, Shakespeare Association of America, and the Society for the Study of Early Modern Women. She can be contacted at

Chloe Mee

Chloe Mee is a research assistant on the LEMDO team who is working as a remediator on Old Spelling texts. She is about to start her second year at UVic in Fall 2022 and is pursuing an Honours degree in English. Currently, she is working on the LEMDO team through a VKURA internship. She loves literature and is enjoying the opportunity to read and encode Shakespeare quartos!

Christopher Hicklin

Christopher Matusiak

Christopher Matusiak (Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay) is an Associate Professor of English at Ithaca College in New York where he teaches courses on Shakespeare and early modern drama. His research on seventeenth-century theatre management at the Drury Lane Cockpit has appeared in Early Theatre and Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England, and in Shakespeare Quarterly on the use of John Aubrey’s manuscripts in studies of Shakespeare’s life. He is currently writing a book (with Eva Griffith) about Christopher Beeston and the Cockpit playhouse, and researching another on the persistence of illegal stage-playing during the English Civil Wars, Shakespearean Actors and their Playhouses in Civil War London. He also prepared REED London: The Cockpit-Phoenix: an edited collection of seventeenth-century manuscripts and printed documents illustrating the history of the Cockpit-Phoenix playhouse in Drury Lane (for The Records of Early English Drama). He can be contacted at

Diane Jakacki

Diane Jakacki is Digital Scholarship Coordinator and Affiliated Faculty in Comparative and Digital Humanities at Bucknell University. She is the lead investigator of the REED London Online Project and principal investigator of the NHPRC-Andrew W. Mellon Foundation-funded Liberal Arts Based Digital Publishing Cooperative project. Jakacki has published and presented widely on early modern studies, theatre history, digital humanities, and digital humanities pedagogy. Jakackiʼs full CV can be found at

Dimitry Senyshyn

Dimitry Senyshyn (Clyomon and Clamydes, text) has current research focusing on Shakespeare’s tragicomic romances and their relation to a native tradition of popular romance. He has co-edited an old-spelling edition of The True Tragedie of Richard the Third for QME with Jennifer Robert-Smith. He contributed to the preparation of the REED Inns of Court volume, and he has published in Theatre Research in Canada, Early Theatre, and the Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception. He can be contacted at

Emily Winerock

Emily Winerock was a choreographer with Shakespeare and the Queenʼs Men Project. She worked on Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (2006) and Famous Victories (2006).

Erin Julian

Erin Julian (Three Ladies of London, performance) completed her SSHRC-funded dissertation (Laughing Matters: Sexual Violence in Jacobean and Caroline Comedy) in English and Cultural Studies in 2014 at McMaster. She currently holds a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship at Western University (Rape Under Erasure in Early/Modern Shakespeare). Her recent publications include Review Essay: New Directions in Jonson Criticism for Early Theatre 17.1 (2014) and (co-authored with Helen Ostovich) Pedagogical and Web Resources in Julian and Ostovich (eds), The Alchemist: A Critical Reader(Bloomsbury, 2013). She is also co-editor of The Dutch Courtesan for the Complete Works of John Marston (OUP, forthcoming) and editor of the website associated with the performance of the play in March 2019. Her essay on performance, Our hurtless mirth: Whatʼs Funny about The Dutch Courtesan? appears in Early Theatre 23.1 (2000), the special issue on Marstonʼs play. She can be contacted at

Holger Schott Syme

Holger Schott Syme is an associate professor of English and Drama at the University of Toronto Mississauga. He is author of Theatre and Testimony in Shakespeare’s England: A Culture of Mediation (CUP, 2011) and co-editor with Helen Ostovich and Andrew Griffin of Locating the Queen’s Men, 1583-1603 (Ashgate, 2009). His recent work includes (Mis)representing Justice on the Early Modern Stage, Studies in Philology (2011); The Meaning of Success: Stories of 1594 and its Aftermath, Shakespeare Quarterly (2010); and Unediting the Margin: Jonson, Marston, and the Theatrical Page, English Literary Renaissance38.1 (2008): 142-71. As textual editor, he has produced Edward III (Shakespeare and others) and The Book of Sir Thomas More, by Munday, Chettle, Dekker, Heywood, Shakespeare and others, for The Norton Shakespeare 3, ed. Stephen Greenblatt et al. (W.W. Norton, 2015). He can be contacted at

Janelle Jenstad

Janelle Jenstad is a Professor of English at the University of Victoria, Director of The Map of Early Modern London, and Director of Linked Early Modern Drama Online. With Jennifer Roberts-Smith and Mark Kaethler, she co-edited Shakespeare’s Language in Digital Media: Old Words, New Tools (Routledge). She has edited John Stow’s A Survey of London (1598 text) for MoEML and is currently editing The Merchant of Venice (with Stephen Wittek) and Heywood’s 2 If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody for DRE. Her articles have appeared in Digital Humanities Quarterly, Elizabethan Theatre, Early Modern Literary Studies, Shakespeare Bulletin, Renaissance and Reformation, and The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. She contributed chapters to Approaches to Teaching Othello (MLA); Teaching Early Modern Literature from the Archives (MLA); Institutional Culture in Early Modern England (Brill); Shakespeare, Language, and the Stage (Arden); Performing Maternity in Early Modern England (Ashgate); New Directions in the Geohumanities (Routledge); Early Modern Studies and the Digital Turn (Iter); Placing Names: Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers (Indiana); Making Things and Drawing Boundaries (Minnesota); Rethinking Shakespeare Source Study: Audiences, Authors, and Digital Technologies (Routledge); and Civic Performance: Pageantry and Entertainments in Early Modern London (Routledge). For more details, see

Jessica Dell

Jessica Dell (Three Ladies of London, Q1 1584) defended her doctoral dissertation, Vanishing Acts: Absence, Gender, and Magic in Early Modern Drama, 1558–1642, in September 2014 at McMaster University. In 2016, she became a full-time instructor at Aurora College (NWT) in the Bachelor of Education program which partners with the University of Saskatchewan and the Indian Teacher Education Program (ITEP). Recent publications include A witch, a quean, an old cozening quean!: Image Magic and Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor in Magical Transformations on the Early Modern English Stage (2014) and, with David Klausner and Helen Ostovich, co-edited The Chester Cycle in Context, 1555–1575: Religion, Drama, and the Impact of Change (2012). She can be contacted at

Jodi Litvin

Joey Takeda

Joey Takeda is LEMDO’s Consulting Programmer and Designer, a role he assumed in 2020 after three years as the Lead Developer on LEMDO.

Kate LeBere

Project Manager, 2020–2021. Assistant Project Manager, 2019–2020. Textual Remediator and Encoder, 2019–2021. Kate LeBere completed her BA (Hons.) in History and English at the University of Victoria in 2020. During her degree she published papers in The Corvette (2018), The Albatross (2019), and PLVS VLTRA (2020) and presented at the English Undergraduate Conference (2019), Qualicum History Conference (2020), and the Digital Humanities Summer Institute’s Project Management in the Humanities Conference (2021). While her primary research focus was sixteenth and seventeenth century England, she completed her honours thesis on Soviet ballet during the Russian Cultural Revolution. She is currently a student at the University of British Columbia’s iSchool, working on her masters in library and information science.

Kim Shortreed

Kim is a PhD Candidate in Media Studies and Digital Humanities, through UVicʼs English Department. Kim has worked for years in TEI and XML, mostly through the Colonial Despatches website, and in a number of roles, including technical editor, research and markup, writing and editing, documentation, and project management. Recently, Kim worked with a team of Indigenous students to find ways to decolonize the Despatches projectʼs content and encoding practices. Part of Kimʼs dissertation project, Contracolonial Practices in Salish Sea Namescapes, is to prototype a haptic map, a motion-activated topography installation that plays audio clips of spoken toponyms, in SENĆOŦEN and English, of the W̱SÁNEĆ Territory/Saanich Peninsula, respectively.

Mahayla Galliford

Research assistant, remediator, encoder, 2021–present. Mahayla Galliford is a fourth-year student in the English Honours and Humanities Scholars programs at the University of Victoria. She researches early modern drama and her Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Award project focused on approaches to encoding early modern stage directions.

Martin Holmes

Martin Holmes has worked as a developer in the UVicʼs Humanities Computing and Media Centre for over two decades, and has been involved with dozens of Digital Humanities projects. He has served on the TEI Technical Council and as Managing Editor of the Journal of the TEI. He took over from Joey Takeda as lead developer on LEMDO in 2020. He is a collaborator on the SSHRC Partnership Grant led by Janelle Jenstad.

Michael Best

Michael Best is Professor Emeritus at the University of Victoria, BC. He is the Founding Editor of the Internet Shakespeare Editions, of which he was the Coordinating Editor until 2017. In print, he has published editions of works of Elizabethan magic and huswifery, a collection of letters from the Australian goldfields, and Shakespeare on the Art of Love (2008). He contributed regular columns for the Shakespeare Newsletter on Electronic Shakespeares, and has written many articles and chapters for both print and online books and journals, principally on questions raised by the new medium in the editing and publication of texts. He has delivered papers and plenary lectures on electronic media and the Internet Shakespeare Editions at conferences in Canada, the USA, the UK, Spain, Australia, and Japan.

Navarra Houldin

Project manager 2022-present. Textual remediator 2021-present. Navarra Houldin (they/them) completed their BA in History and Spanish at the University of Victoria in 2022. During their degree, they worked as a teaching assistant with the University of Victoriaʼs Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies. Their primary research was on gender and sexuality in early modern Europe and Latin America.

Nicole Vatcher

Technical Documentation Writer, 2020-present. Nicole Vatcher completed her BA (Hons.) in English at the University of Victoria in 2021. Her primary research focus was womenʼs writing in the modernist period.

Peter Cockett

Peter Cockett is an associate professor in the Theatre and Film Studies at McMaster University. He is the general editor (performance), and technical co-ordinating editor of Queen’s Men Editions. He was the stage director for the Shakespeare and the Queen’s Men project (SQM), directing King Leir, The Famous Victories of Henry V, and Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (2006) and he is the performance editor for our editions of those plays. The process behind those productions is documented in depth on his website Performing the Queen’s Men. Also featured on this site are his PAR productions of Clyomon and Clamydes (2009) and Three Ladies of London (2014). For the PLS, the University of Toronto’s Medieval and Renaissance Players, he has directed the Digby Mary Magdalene (2003) and the double bill of George Peele’s The Old Wives Tale and the Chester Antichrist (2004). He also directed An Experiment in Elizabethan Comedy (2005) for the SQM project and Inside Out: The Persistence of Allegory (2008) in collaboration with Alan Dessen. Peter is a professional actor and director with numerous stage and screen credits. He can be contacted at

Peter Sirisko

Peter Sirisko, consultant for the QME, is Media Producer at New Motto in Hamilton, Ontario. He has a Bachelor of Arts, Honours, in Theatre and Film from McMaster University (2013), where he was an editor for McMaster Television, a Theatre Technician, and a Media Production Intern. He has been a freelance video producer since 2010.

Rylyn Christensen

Rylyn Christensen is an English major at the University of Victoria.

Sally-Beth MacLean

Sally-Beth MacLean, professor emeritus, department of English, University of Toronto, is director of research/general editor of the Records of Early English Drama series and director of the REED Patrons and Performances Web Site and Early Modern London Theatres. She is also co-author with Scott McMillin of The Queen’s Men and their Plays (CUP, 1998) and with Lawrence Manley of Lord Strange’s Men and their Plays (Yale UP, 2014). She has published widely on patronage, touring, digital initiatives, and festive culture. Her most recent article is How to Track a Bear in Southwark: a learning module, with Tanya Hagen, The Best Pairt of our Play: Essays presented to John J. McGavin, Sarah Carpenter, Pamela M. King, Meg Twycross, and Greg Walker (eds), , MeTH 38 (Boydell & Brewer, 2016), 232-246. She can be contacted at

Scott Matthews

Tracey El Hajj

Junior Programmer 2019–2020. Research Associate 2020–2021. Tracey received her PhD from the Department of English at the University of Victoria in the field of Science and Technology Studies. Her research focuses on the algorhythmics of networked communications. She was a 2019–2020 President’s Fellow in Research-Enriched Teaching at UVic, where she taught an advanced course on Artificial Intelligence and Everyday Life. Tracey was also a member of the Map of Early Modern London team, between 2018 and 2021. Between 2020 and 2021, she was a fellow in residence at the Praxis Studio for Comparative Media Studies, where she investigated the relationships between artificial intelligence, creativity, health, and justice. As of July 2021, Tracey has moved into the alt-ac world for a term position, while also teaching in the English Department at the University of Victoria.


Humanities Media and Computing Centre (HCMC1)
The Humanities Computing and Media Centre (HCMC) at the University of Victoria has an international reputation developing projects in collaboration with researchers and instructors from UVicʼs Faculty of Humanities, with particular expertise in the fields of digital humanities and language learning.


The LEMDO Team is based at the University of Victoria and normally comprises the project director, the lead developer, project manager, junior developers(s), remediators, encoders, and remediating editors.

Queenʼs Men Editions (QME1)

The Queen’s Men Editions anthology is led by Helen Ostovich, General Editor; Peter Cockett, General Editor (Performance); and Andrew Griffin, General Editor (Text).

University of Victoria (UVIC1)

University of Victoria Libraries (UVIC2)
